How to Make a Narcissist Obsessed with You: Proven Techniques

There's an undeniable mystique surrounding narcissists.

Their charm, confidence, and charisma can be captivating, yet their self-centeredness, lack of empathy, and constant need for admiration can make them challenging to deal with.

The complexity of their personality often leaves people wondering how to navigate relationships with them, particularly when it comes to the idea of making a narcissist obsess over you.

How to make a narcissist obsessed with you?

Narcissists crave admiration and control. Techniques like praise, validating superiority, and maintaining mystery can attract their attention but often lead to unhealthy obsession and narcissistic abuse. The healthiest approach is establishing boundaries, mutual respect, and seeking professional help if needed.

Key Takeaways:

  • Narcissistic obsession is not about genuine care, but control and manipulation.

  • Attracting a narcissist's attention can be risky and lead to toxic dynamics.

  • Develop healthy boundaries, and self-worth, and seek professional help if needed.

Understanding Narcissistic Obsession

Before delving into this, it's crucial to understand what it means for a narcissist to obsess over someone.

Narcissists are known for their self-obsession, often viewing others as extensions of themselves rather than separate individuals with their own thoughts and feelings.

Therefore, when a narcissist obsesses over someone, it's typically not out of genuine love or care, but rather a desire to control and manipulate for their own benefit.

This obsession can manifest in various ways, from excessive admiration and idealization to devaluation and discarding when the person no longer serves their needs.

Considerations Before Attempting to Make a Narcissist Obsess Over You

While the idea of making a narcissist obsess over you might seem appealing, especially if you're in a relationship with one, it's important to consider the potential consequences.

Narcissistic obsession can lead to toxic dynamics, emotional abuse, and a loss of self-identity.

Therefore, it's essential to approach this topic with caution and a practical mindset.

Instead of focusing on how to make a narcissist obsess over you, a healthier approach might be learning how to maintain your own boundaries and self-worth when dealing with a narcissist.

Navigating Narcissistic Relationships

Unraveling the intricacies of narcissistic behavior is crucial if you find yourself entangled in their web. To make a narcissist obsessed with you, start by embracing the love bombing stage, where they shower you with intense attention and affection.

However, don't let this consume you; maintain your high-value persona and independent spirit.

As the relationship progresses, continue to spend time with the narcissist, but do so in the same way, keeping them off-balance by setting boundaries and challenging their behavior.

This will ignite their constant need for your validation and attention, making them increasingly obsessed.

Remember, knowledge is power. By understanding the narcissist's mindset, you can navigate these complex relationships and reclaim your control, preventing them to retain power and the upper hand.

Understanding The Narcissist Personality

Narcissism is a complex personality trait that can manifest in various ways.

It's essential to understand the characteristics and tendencies of narcissists to navigate relationships with them effectively.

This understanding can also shed light on the concept of narcissistic obsession and why narcissists might obsess over someone.

Characteristics of Narcissists

Narcissists are often characterized by an excessive need for admiration, a lack of empathy, seek revenge and a sense of grandiosity.

These traits can significantly impact how they interact with others and how they perceive themselves.

The excessive need for admiration is a defining characteristic of narcissists. Narcissistic people crave constant praise and validation to maintain their inflated self-image.

This need can drive them to employ various narcissist attraction techniques and narcissist manipulation tactics to ensure they remain the center of attention.

Another key trait of narcissists is their lack of empathy.

They struggle to understand or share the feelings of others, which can lead to dismissive or exploitative behavior.

This lack of empathy can make dealing with narcissists particularly challenging, as they often disregard the needs and feelings of others.

Grandiosity, or an inflated sense of self-importance, is another common characteristic of narcissists.

They often believe they are superior to others and have a strong sense of entitlement. This grandiosity can fuel their exploitative nature and their desire to be the center of attention.

In case If you are interested in knowing the traits of female narcissists specifically, you can read our article by Judge Anthony.

Narcissistic Tendencies

Along with these characteristics, narcissists also exhibit certain tendencies, such as a superiority complex, an exploitative nature, and a desire to be the center of attention.

Understanding these tendencies can provide valuable insights into handling narcissistic individuals and engaging with narcissists.

Narcissists often have a superiority complex, believing they are better than others.

This belief can lead them to devalue other relationships and dismiss their opinions or feelings.

It can also drive them to seek out relationships where they can maintain control and feel superior.

The exploitative nature of narcissists is another key tendency.

The narcissistic person often uses others to meet their own needs, without considering the impact on the other person.

This exploitation can take many forms, from emotional manipulation to financial control.

Lastly, narcissists have a strong desire to be the center of attention.

They often go to great lengths to ensure they are noticed and admired, which can include using various narcissist attraction secrets and narcissist obsession tactics.

Narcissistic Obsession

Narcissistic obsession is not about love, but control and manipulation. Narcissists seek constant narcissistic supply - admiration, validation, and attention.

They may initially idealize someone, seeing them as perfect, but quickly devalue them once they no longer serve their needs. This cycle can be emotionally draining for a normal person with low self-esteem.

Narcissists may also become obsessed with someone they perceive as a challenge to be conquered or a threat to their ego.

Physical appearance can play a role, as narcissists often fixate on those they deem aesthetically superior. And if a narcissist feels they have been wronged, they may become obsessed with seeking revenge against the perceived offender.

Understanding the various drivers behind a narcissist's obsession can help develop effective strategies. When a narcissist realizes their obsession is not yielding results, they may become more fixated. Maintaining boundaries and avoiding their manipulative tactics is crucial.

Techniques to Attract a Narcissist's Attention

While it's important to approach relationships with narcissists with caution, understanding how to attract their attention can be useful in certain situations.

Whether you're dealing with a narcissistic partner, friend, or colleague, these techniques can help you navigate the relationship more effectively.

Projection of Admiration

One of the most effective ways to attract a narcissist's attention is through the projection of admiration.

Narcissists crave admiration and validation, and providing this can often draw them in.

However, it's important to be mindful of the potential for manipulation and to maintain your own boundaries.

Validate their superiority

Validating their superiority can be a powerful narcissist attraction technique.

Narcissists often believe they are superior to others, and confirming this belief can feed their ego and attract their attention.

This could involve acknowledging their skills, talents, or accomplishments.

Confirm their uniqueness

Confirming their uniqueness is another effective strategy.

Narcissists often view themselves as unique or special, and affirming this can make them feel seen and understood.

However, it's important to do this in a genuine and authentic way, as narcissists can often detect insincerity.

Applaud their achievements

Applauding their achievements can also attract a narcissist's attention.

Narcissists often take great pride in their achievements, and recognizing these can make them feel admired and respected.

However, it's important to be mindful of the potential for narcissist manipulation tactics and to maintain your own self-worth.

Maintaining Mystery

Maintaining a sense of mystery can also be an effective way to attract a narcissist's attention.

Narcissists are often drawn to what they can't have or understand, and being unpredictable, self-sufficient, and independent can pique their interest.

Being unpredictable

Being unpredictable can keep a narcissist on their toes and make you more intriguing to them.

This could involve varying your responses or behaviors, or not always being available when they want you to be.


Self-sufficiency can also attract a narcissist's attention.

Narcissists are often drawn to people who don't need them, as this challenges their sense of superiority and control.

Demonstrating that you can take care of yourself and don't need their approval can make you more attractive to them.

Showing independence

Showing independence can also be a powerful narcissist attraction tip.

Narcissists often seek to control and manipulate others, and showing that you won't be easily controlled can make you more intriguing to them.

This could involve standing up for yourself, setting boundaries, or pursuing your own interests and goals.

Conditioning Their Attention

Conditioning a narcissist's attention can be a complex process, but it can be an effective way to manage the relationship.

This could involve using intermittent positive reinforcement and setting boundaries.

Intermittent positive reinforcement involves providing occasional praise or validation, rather than constant admiration.

This can make the narcissist work harder for your approval and can help to balance the power dynamics in the relationship.

Setting boundaries is also crucial when dealing with narcissists.

This could involve clearly communicating your needs and expectations, and standing firm when these are challenged.

Setting boundaries can help to protect your own mental and emotional well-being, and can also make you less susceptible to narcissist manipulation techniques.

Dealing with Narcissistic Obsession

While attracting a narcissist's attention can be useful in certain situations, it's also important to understand how to deal with narcissistic obsession.

This involves recognizing unhealthy obsession, developing healthy interpersonal dynamics, and seeking professional help if necessary.

Recognizing Unhealthy Obsession

Recognizing unhealthy obsession is the first step in dealing with narcissistic obsession.

This involves identifying boundary crossing, distinguishing normal attention from obsession, and understanding the harm of obsession.

  1. Identifying boundary crossing is crucial when dealing with narcissists.

    Narcissists often disregard the needs and feelings of others and may cross boundaries to maintain control or get what they want.

    Recognizing when a narcissist is crossing your boundaries can help you to protect your own mental and emotional well-being.

  2. Distinguishing normal attention from obsession can also be challenging.

    While it's normal to want attention from someone you care about, narcissistic obsession can be harmful and destructive.

    Understanding the difference between normal attention and obsession can help you to recognize when a narcissist's behavior is becoming unhealthy.

  3. Understanding the harm of obsession is also important.

    Narcissistic obsession can lead to emotional abuse, manipulation, and a loss of self-identity.

    Recognizing the potential harm of obsession can help you to take steps to protect yourself and seek help if necessary.

Developing Healthy Interpersonal Dynamics

Developing healthy interpersonal dynamics is crucial when dealing with narcissistic obsession.

This involves promoting mutual respect, encouraging emotional recognition, and creating equality.

  1. Promoting mutual respect is key in any relationship, but it's particularly important when dealing with narcissists.

  2. Narcissists often lack empathy and may disregard the feelings of others.

    Encouraging mutual respect can help to balance the power dynamics in the relationship and promote healthier interactions.

  3. Encouraging emotional recognition is another important strategy.

    Narcissists often struggle to understand or share the feelings of others.

    Encouraging them to recognize and validate your emotions can help to create a more balanced and healthy relationship.

  4. Creating equality is also crucial when dealing with narcissists.

    Narcissists often seek to control and manipulate others, and creating equality can help to counteract this.

    This could involve standing up for yourself, setting boundaries, and asserting your own needs and desires.

Seeking Professional Help if Necessary

While these strategies can be effective in dealing with narcissistic obsession, it's also important to seek professional help if necessary.

This could involve consulting a psychological expert or considering therapy.

Consulting a psychological expert can be beneficial if you're struggling to deal with a narcissist's obsession.

A professional can provide valuable insights and strategies to help you navigate the relationship more effectively.

They can also help you to understand the narcissist's behavior and the impact it's having on you.

Understanding and evaluating the role of therapy is also important.

Therapy can provide a safe and supportive environment to explore your feelings and experiences, and to develop effective strategies for dealing with narcissistic obsession.

It can also help you to rebuild your self-esteem and reclaim your power in the relationship.

Understanding and Navigating Narcissistic Obsession

Dealing with a narcissist's obsession can be a complex and challenging process.

While it's possible to attract a narcissist's attention and manage their obsession to some extent, it's important to recognize the potential implications and ethical considerations.

Narcissistic obsession is not about genuine love or care, but rather about control and manipulation.

This can lead to toxic dynamics, emotional abuse, and a loss of self-identity.

Therefore, it's crucial to approach this topic with caution and a practical mindset.

Strategies for Attracting a Narcissist's Attention

Attracting a narcissist's attention can involve various strategies, such as projecting admiration, maintaining mystery, and conditioning their attention.

However, these strategies can also be used by the narcissist to manipulate and control others.

Therefore, it's important to be mindful of the potential for manipulation and to maintain your own boundaries.

It's also important to recognize when a narcissist's attention is becoming unhealthy or obsessive and to take steps to protect yourself.

Developing Healthy Interpersonal Dynamics

Developing healthy interpersonal dynamics can be an effective way to manage a relationship with a narcissist.

This involves promoting mutual respect, encouraging emotional recognition, and creating equality.

However, it's also important to recognize when professional help is necessary.

Consulting a psychological expert or considering therapy can provide valuable support and guidance in dealing with narcissistic obsession.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. How can I attract a narcissist's attention without becoming a victim of manipulation?

Attracting a narcissist's attention can be tempting, but it's essential to be mindful of the potential for manipulation.

Instead of solely focusing on attracting their attention, prioritize maintaining your own boundaries and self-worth.

Ensure that any admiration or validation you offer is genuine and doesn't compromise your values or integrity.

Additionally, be vigilant for signs of manipulation and be prepared to assert your boundaries if necessary.

2. What are some signs that a narcissist's attention has become unhealthy or obsessive?

It's crucial to recognize when a narcissist's attention crosses the line into unhealthy or obsessive territory.

Signs of unhealthy obsession may include constant monitoring or surveillance, possessive behavior, and an inability to respect boundaries.

Additionally, pay attention to how their behavior affects your mental and emotional well-being.

If you feel drained, manipulated, or controlled by their attention, it may be a sign that it has become unhealthy.

3. How can I protect myself from the negative effects of narcissistic obsession?

Protecting yourself from the negative effects of narcissistic obsession starts with maintaining your own boundaries and self-worth.

Set clear boundaries with the narcissist and be prepared to enforce them if they are crossed.

Additionally, prioritize self-care and seek support from friends, family, or a therapist if needed.

Remember that you deserve to be treated with respect and dignity, and don't hesitate to distance yourself from toxic relationships if necessary.


Ultimately, dealing with a narcissist's obsession involves a delicate balance of understanding their behavior, maintaining their own boundaries and self-worth, and seeking help when necessary.

It's important to remain vigilant and to prioritize your own mental and emotional well-being.

While it's possible to navigate a relationship with a narcissist, it's also crucial to promote healthy relationships based on mutual respect, understanding, and equality.

Remember, knowledge is power. Understanding the narcissist's mindset and behavior is the first step towards reclaiming your power in the relationship.

Whether you're dealing with a narcissistic partner, friend, or colleague, these insights can help you navigate the relationship more effectively and protect your own well-being.


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